Tis Not The Season


They say its time to deck the halls

It’s the time of year Santa calls

But for me it’s the same story

One that’s usually pretty gory

It involves a missing Mother Mary

And a Joseph that’s not so merry

With empty boxes under a tree

And no mindset full of glee

Watching the others open their gifts

As my gaze would slowly shift

To all their smiling faces

Receiving warm embraces

Caring mothers and doting fathers

Meanwhile mine couldn’t be bothered

A season of togetherness turned sad

Reminding me of all I’ve never had

Missing parents, missing presents, missing love

Put a check mark beside all of the above

Basing your worth off the amount received

Taking everything you have not to leave

Fake it till you make it, put on a smile

Be a good girl, you have to stay awhile

Even if your hands and heart are empty

It’s not like you really needed that many

I’ll think of Nester the long eared donkey

And watch the show just like a zombie

The poor creature alone and cast aside

Sounding so similar to my own alibi

Haunting child’s eyes holding back tears

But it’ll be okay, it’s just another year

Still, at night there’s no milk and cookies

Cause fair is fair, so Santa won’t get goodies